Price is Right

by Rebekah
(New Jersey)

When I host a shower, I will purchase a laundry basket and fill it with an assortment of baby necessities: binkies, bottles, soap, washclothes, infant tylenol, gas medicine, baby oil, desatin, etc. Basically, all the things most people overlook when buying cute clothes or gifts from the registry. I keep a tally of how much I spent. Then as guests are settled or eating, I hold up each item and they estimate the price on a piece of paper. When we are finished going through items, they total. Whoever has the total closest to the actual total gets the prize!

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Jul 15, 2010
sounds fun
by: Ruby

Most def going to try this out. Like using different games guests have never played at any other babyshowers! i like to make mine diff everytime i throw one!

Jul 13, 2010
The Price is Right FUN
by: Anonymous

Everyone Really Liked this game!!! 5 stars

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