How to Make a Diaper Cake
The goal of this site is to provide quality diaper cake ideas and information, for free. This is a place for all of us to come and get and give ideas for baby shower cakes, without having to buy anything to get some helpful ideas.
It is and always will be a free resource, where we all share our diaper cake ideas. Check out these CUTE cakes submitted by our readers...
My creativity is only so much, but with all of our ideas combined, we will make this the cutest and the most comprehensive collection of baby shower cakes on the internet!
Submit your baby shower diaper cake ideas and photos here
There are 3 things you should know about diaper cakes:
1. What is a Diaper Cake anyway?
2. Why are they becoming so popular?
3. Are they easy to make yourself?
1. What is a Diaper Cake anyway?
A diaper cake is a wonderfully creative gift for an expectant mother. It is a collection of diapers (either disposable or cloth) rolled and stacked together to resemble a traditional tiered cake. There can be 1, 2, 3 or more tiers. The tiers of diaper cakes are also garnished with baby care items such as bibs, pacifiers, baby socks, bottles, toys, and more.
2. Why are they becoming so popular?
Diaper cakes are becoming quite popular for several reasons:
• They are original and creative. They give your baby shower gift a personal touch.
• They are so useful and helpful to the expectant mother. She will use every single "ingredient" on the diaper cake.
• Baby shower hostesses love them because they are a cute and impressive centerpiece for the party.
• They can be decorated to match any theme you want.
• They are a great gift at the hospital, at a baby shower, after an adoption, or anytime before or after a new baby arrives.
3. Are they easy to make yourself?
They are surprisingly easy to make! See for yourself - just follow these simple directions below:
Step 1. Ingredients for a diaper cake:
You can get all of these at a local baby supplies store. (You may need to go to a craft store for the ribbon)
• 60 diapers (depends on how big you make it) You can use either disposable or cloth - better find out what the expectant mother would like. You can use either white or patterned diapers.
• Ribbon, 1/2 or 1 inch wide, patterned to fit the baby shower theme. Pink, blue, or yellow are good choices.
• Ribbon, 1/4 inch to tie rolled diapers with
• 36-60 small rubber bands (depending on how you want to "build" the cake
• 6 large rubber bands
• One 8-oz baby bottle or one large bottle of baby lotion
• One 4-oz baby bottle
• A cardboard or plastic cake platter
• Cake decorations - for example, baby confetti, baby sock roses, artificial roses, etc.
• Baby items - Pacifiers, bottles, lotion, bibs, receiving blankets, miniature stuffed animals, baby towel, onesie, wash cloths, baby hygiene products, toys, etc.
Step 2. Here we go: Let's build this cake one tier at a time.
For the first tier, you will need about 35 newborn or stage 1 diapers.
Unfold 17 of them and, one at a time, roll them up tight, starting from the front of the diaper and rolling it to the back. The tighter the better. Place a rubber band around the center after you roll each diaper up to hold it tight. These are the inner diapers for the cake.
Take the cake platter and place the 8-oz baby bottle or large bottle of baby lotion in the center. Then place about 5-6 diapers around the bottle and put a large rubberband around the entire ring of diapers.
The picture to the right is what your cake will look like at this point:
Next, form a 2nd ring with the remaining 11-12 diapers by placing them around the 1st ring of diapers. Complete it by placing a large rubberband around the 2nd ring.
Now for the final ring of diapers for the 1st tier: Take 18-20 diapers, unfold each one, roll them up tight like before, but instead of a rubber band around each one, tie a thin, 1/4 inch piece of ribbon around the middle around each one. Then place them around the second ring to form a 3rd ring. Now take a large, 1/2 to 1 inch wide ribbon and tie it around the entire tier to hold them all together in a circle shape.
(Note, you could use just rubberbands around each diaper for the 3rd ring if you have opaque ribbon to hold the 3rd ring together. The important part is that no rubberbands are showing when you are done.)
All right! you have made the 1st tier. Here is what it should look like:

Step 3. The second tier is made much the same way, only instead of 3 rings, you will only make 2 rings of diapers. Just like the 1st tier, the inside ring will need about 5-6 diapers. Part of the 8-oz bottle will be sticking out of the 1st tier, so place your 5-6 diapers around it to form the 1st ring of the 2nd tier. The 2nd ring will need 11-12 diapers. Place a ribbon around each one of those 2nd ring diapers and hold them all together in a circle with the 1/2 to 1 inch wide ribbon, just like before.
Here is what the finished 2nd tier will look like:

Step 4. Third tier is easy!
It is probably easiest to assemble this tier on a table and then place it on the rest of the cake after it is assembled. So, take a 4-oz bottle and place it on the table.
Then take 5-6 diapers and roll them up like before and tie them with the thin ribbon.
Then place them around the 4 -oz baby bottle and tie your wide ribbon around it to hold it together tightly in it's shape. Take the top tier and place it on the top.
Drum roll, please! And now for the finished product...

Your diaper cake will look similar to this one, with your own special twist! :]
Step 5. Now for the fun part:
Add little baby items like Pacifiers, bottles, lotion, bibs, receiving blankets, miniature stuffed animals, baby towel, onesie, wash cloths, baby hygiene products, toys, etc. Place them between the folds of the diaper, tuck the larger items into the outer layer of ribbon.
Add stickers and decorations to match the baby shower theme.
Place a stuffed animal, such as Winnie the Pooh, teddy bear, Elmo, Demdaco angel, Precious Moments figurine, pair of baby shoes, or something else on top to match the baby shower theme.
And Voila! You're done and it's a masterpiece! Your baby shower diaper cake is sure to receive plenty of oohs and aahs.
For more diaper cake photos & ideas, take a look at these DARLING
diaper cake pictures
that the readers of this site have submitted...
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