The Perfect Baby Shower Food and Recipes
Baby shower food and recipes should be:
Simple and streamlined
Easy to prepare
Yet, elegant, fun, and full of flavor
With these in mind, I have gathered the best & most delicious baby shower recipes and menu ideas below. And, after choosing your baby shower menu below, everyone will be asking you for your baby shower recipes.
So, enjoy the fun recipes and ideas below and be sure to leave some food for the guests! :]
Choose from the following
baby shower food categories:
Appetizers & Finger Food
Baby Shower Punch
Salads and Sandwich
Baby Shower Entree
When planning your baby shower food, you need to consider 6 things:
1. How many people are coming?
If many people are coming (15 or more), it would be a LOT of work to plan an entire meal for everyone. Rather, fingerfood, beverages, and appetizers would be perfect. Sandwiches and soups might be a good idea. But if you only have a small group coming (less than 10), then a full meal might not be too much work. It all depends on how much effort you want to put into the baby shower menu.

2. What time of day is the baby shower?
You want your food and menu to reflect the respective time of day. For example, if you have a baby shower in the evening, dinner type of foods would be more appropriate than breakfast foods.
3. What is the baby shower theme?
There are some of the cutest ideas to incorporate your theme into the baby shower food. Click here for some
baby shower food
ideas. Making food to match your theme adds an extra touch to your baby shower that really emphasizes your theme, adds to the atmosphere, and impresses everyone who sees it. This is a party! Food should be fun!
4. What type of people are coming to the shower?
When I say "type" I mean: are your guests more the "BBQ chicken and potato salad" type or "Shrimp platter with vinaigrette salad wraps" type? Know your guests and choose the baby shower menu accordingly.
5. How much time do you have?
Most likely, you don't have much spare time. So, simple is best. Simple doesn't mean plain or boring, it just means choosing baby shower menu items that are easy and fast to prepare. The recipes found above are a great collection of quick and easy baby shower food items to choose from that are simple yet delicious appetizers, snacks, and beverages. Make as many or as few as you think will satiate your guests.
6. Is anyone going to help you prepare the baby shower food?
If there is one area that I would suggest that this be the one! Assigning several other friends or family members of the expectant mother to prepare food will save you a LOT of time and work. Not that preparing baby shower food is hard, it isn't. It's just that you, as the hostess, have so many other things to plan for. So having a few people each bringing one or two baby shower menu items will save you a lot of work. Plus, you won't have to be running around the day of the shower making sure that the food is ready. You can take comfort in the fact that the party food is taken care of and you can focus on finishing everything else!

Whether you do it by yourself or you have others helping you, I hope you enjoy these tasty and easy recipes. And I hope that the baby shower is delicious in both food and friendship!
Baby Shower Menu Ideas
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