feed the baby!

by Katherine E.
(Tyler, Texas)

hand placement

hand placement

Preparation:applesauce, oatmeal, pudding, or food of your choice; large garbage bags with holes cut out for head and arms; and blindfolds.
Play: Great for Co-ed showers! Have everyone who would like to participate pair off. one person in each pair is designated the baby, places the garbage bag over themselves so as not to ruin their clothes, and is seated in a chair with both hands behind their back. Their partner, blindfolded, then kneels or crouches behind them, placing their arms through the gaps in between their partners forarms and body so as to be able to reach the food. When the time starts the kneeling partner must spoon as much food as they can into their partners mouth before time runs out. The first to finish the fastest, wins! So much fun and gets everyone involved.

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Oct 02, 2015
by: Helen

This is really great work. Thank you for sharing such a useful ideas

Sep 17, 2015
Feed the baby
by: Anonymous

Katherine your article feed the baby is so good and I like it because of the interesting story you have written here. thanks for helping us to know how we can do this.

Oct 21, 2014
baby shower games
by: emily

i love baby shower games

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