Two Cute Diaper Cakes

Here are 2 creative diaper cakes submitted by one of our readers. The first beautiful cake below is loaded with baby items to help the expectant mother. The second cake below has some darling ideas for a "Daddy" cake with baby items to help the expectant father. What a fun idea for a couples baby shower and what a beautiful set of diaper baby cakes!

Thanks goes out to Carrie Beard and her friends for sharing photos of their wonderful diaper baby shower cakes! Thanks for "paying it forward" with your cake ideas - your creativity is an inspiration to all of us! And this website is a more useful resource for everyone. SO THANK YOU!!

If you have a picture of diaper cake and/or instructions that you would like to share, submit them here ...

Diaper Cakes for Mommy and Daddy from Carrie & friends

pictures of diaper cakes

Both cakes have the diapers covered. The cake for Daddy has a baby t-shirt as the top layer that proclaims... "my daddy drives a Mustang, and I'm next in line". It also has a diaper changing kit.... rubber gloves, clothes pins (for the nose) and air freshner. Both cakes are covered with "onesies", bibs, booties, rattlers, teethers, etc. The topper for the biggest was a giggling bunny.... We used lots of double stick tape and safety pins. Four ladies pooled their time and $$ to create these beautiful cakes...

Carrie Beard

picture of diaper cake

Thanks Carrie! They are both unique and adorable baby cakes!! I think it is so fun that you made a cake for the expectant father!" What a great idea.

Here are some more cute pictures of diaper cakes that our readers have submitted...

Click here to learn how to make your own diaper baby cake . It's Easy!

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