Valerie's Cute Boy Diaper Cake 
Valerie's Comments: Hi, I couldn't get the submission form to work on the site, so here it is. The shower was a baby boy theme. The pic does not do the diaper cake justice, as I took it at night and completely forgot to in the daytime. This was the first diaper cake I have ever made, and it was pretty easy. I took the basic directions from this site and tweaked them a bit. This is what I used: I started the whole thing off on a cheap plastic tray I got at Party City for $4 or $5. I bought a box of Pampers Size 1 diapers with the Sesame Street print, which when rolled up showed nothing but white. I used a total of 82 diapers so I had some left over in the box (not many though). First tier started with an 8 oz bottle still in the box as the core. I taped the flap down on the box so it wouldn't stick up. I used Pampers size 1 diapers for the whole cake. 10 diapers around the bottle for the first row, 16 for the second row, and 22 for the third row. I rolled each diaper up and made sure they were pretty tight, and secured each with the Goody brand small clear hair ties. At first I thought they were too small, but they stretched great. When all the diapers were in place, I used regular rubber bands to secure the whole thing into a circle. Second tier started around the top part of the bottle used in the first tier. 10 diapers around the first row, 16 for the second row. Secured whole thing with rubber band. Third tier I used a 2 oz Lansinoh lotion in the box, again taping the flap of the box down to make it square. I only used one row of 8 diapers here. Like before, secure the whole row with a rubber band. Then I used different ribbon I bought at Walmart to wrap around the rubber bands of each tier. I bought complementing colors I knew the mom to be liked. I didn't have a glue gun so I used paper clips to secure the ribbon at the back of the cake and it worked fine. I fashioned a bow out of a Baby Boy themed ribbon and secured it on the top of the Lansinoh box to cover it. At this point I wish I had taken a picture, because personally I liked the cake better without all the toys & baby items draped over it, but I had already bought everything and knew the new mom could use all of that stuff. Then I used the toy bear and stood him up on the back of the cake on the second tier and then secured him with a ribbon tied around his legs to the ribbon around the cake...all very small and hard to see. The rest of the toys & baby items I just balanced on the tiers. A couple of things fell off when the cake was moved, but I set them back on it and it was fine. There were a lot of people who had never seen a diaper cake before and were quite impressed. I will definitely do another one if I get a chance! Valerie P.Orleans, MI Valerie, what a cute boy diaper cake! Thanks for sharing! |