How to Throw a Wonderful Chinese Baby Shower Full Month Celebration

Throwing a Chinese baby shower full month celebration for your baby can be hard and stressful, especially after just having a baby and having been in confinement for a month.  And now you need to plan and host a Full Month Celebration.  That is exciting but it can also be a cause of worry, stress and financial strain.


That is why we have made this website -- to help give you some great ideas for your Full Month Baby Celebration!  These ideas will help you plan a fun, special and inexpensive celebration for your baby!


Having a baby is SO special and a miraculous event in your life.  Sharing that wonderful time with your family and close friends is a memorable occasion that will last forever.  The cool ideas that you will find here on this website will help guide you through the steps you need to take to plan the perfect Full Month Celebration!


Let’s first start off with…


1. Who to invite

2. When to have the party

3. Where to have it

4. How to throw a full month celebration

5. Advice and helpful tips on coming out of the Confinement Period


And much more below!


Chinese Baby Customs

What are some of the baby customs from other regions of China?  Baby name customs, food customs, family customs, bath customs, confinement period customs, and more.  Click here to learn some fascinating chinese baby customs!


Food and Recipes

What is the best food to serve at a Full month celebration? How do you prepare the food?  Here are some of the most delicious recipes and menu items for your party.



Invite your family and friends to your Full Month Celebration with these cool ideas.  You can use traditional invitation ideas or more modern ideas, whichever you prefer!  Check them out…


Who To Invite

Who should you invite and how many people should you include in your Full Month Celebration?  Here is what we recommend…


When to Throw a Full Month Celebration

It is traditional to throw a full month baby celebration at around 30 days after you deliver your baby, but here are a few other considerations that you should make when you are deciding on WHEN to have it.


Where to Throw a Full Month Celebration

Should you have it at your house?  Or at a restaurant?  Or somewhere else?  Find out the best places to have your baby celebration.


How to Plan a Full Month Celebration

Here is a list of everything you should consider when planning a Full Month Celebration…everything from the invitations, to the food, to the red eggs…You won’t forget anything when you follow this list!


How to Dye Red Eggs

Every Full Month Celebration should include red eggs for good luck and prosperity, so what is the easiest way to dye eggs red?  Here are a few simple instructions and techniques…


How to Dress Your Baby for the Full Month Celebration

What clothes are the best and signify the most prosperous future for your baby at his or her Full Month Celebration?  Find out here…


How Should the Mother Dress for the Full Month Celebration

Find out here how to assemble the prettiest and most comfortable outfit for yourself at the Full Month Celebration.  Find out what the most appropriate clothing, what colors and what accessories you should have.


Share Your Own Full Month Pictures and Ideas!

You have put so much effort into planning a Full Month Celebration for your baby, and you shouldn’t let all that hard work fade away when the party is over!  Share your photos and ideas right here and you will inspire thousands of other readers with your creativity!


Coolest Full Month Celebration Gifts to Give

Are you looking for the best gift to give at a Full Month Celebration?  Look no further! Read about what the best gifts are and what you should consider when shopping for a full month baby gift.


Confinement Period Advice

The confinement period after birth can be a tremendous struggle.  It can be sad, lonely, and exhausting.  Get accustomed to a new baby is special but also difficult.  Here is some advice and helpful hints to encourage you along and make it easier for you.


Share Your Confinement Period Story

Every woman has her own story to tell…and so do YOU!  Share your confinement story here to help encourage and help others who may be struggling.


Best Baby Names

Here are the most popular and best Chinese baby names for your new baby boy or girl!  Also, read about what you should consider when choosing a baby name.

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