When considering Chinese baby names, you should consider the name origins, cultural significance, and other important considerations for selecting a meaningful and beautiful name for your baby.
Chinese culture holds strongly that a baby’s name is a vital element of the course that the child will take in life, as well as the fortunes or misfortunes that the child will encounter. In China, a baby typically is given 3 names:
When choosing a Chinese baby name for a girl or a boy, you should consider several key elements to pick the right name to
fit your child and positively influence their course in life:
1. Girls’ Names
Generally speaking, a girl’s name should sound beautiful, gentle and feminine. Sometimes the name is related with elegant scenery, nice color, or her parents’ expectation. For example, the character “娜” , which means “tender, slender and graceful” is an ideal name; and “惠” meaning “clever” and “kind” is also welcomed by Chinese parents. Some modern parents are not satisfied with traditional names any longer, so they may like special ones without exact meanings but appears fashionable, such as “子晨 (read as ‘Zichen’)”,“思琪 (Siqi)” and “雨涵(Yuhan)”.
2. Boys’ Names
As to boys’ names, they should sound powerful and noble. For example, “玉德” means “integrity”, and “树勤” means “being honest and industrious”. Some of the names can reflect the parents’ expectation, such as “光远” meaning “having a bright future."
3. Considerations for Choosing Names for Babies
Many factors should be considered when choosing a baby name in China. These helpful considerations above will enlighten new parents about how to create a beautiful or/and meaningful name for the baby. Also, based on the advice above, you can learn a lot about why YOU were given your name and discern your parents’ reasons behind your name.