Angel Baby Shower Theme
An angel baby shower is a heavenly theme!
There is nothing in life that is so angelic as a newborn baby. So, there is no theme that could be more appropriate than the theme of angels. It is also a perfect theme for twins - two little angels.
Let's start this theme with . . .
Angel Baby Shower Invitations
You can embellish your invitations with angel or halo stickers and stamps. There are plenty to choose from. Here are a few baby shower wording ideas for the invitations:
"Heaven Sent"
"Breath of Heaven"
"An Angel Among Us!"
"Two Little Angels Among Us!"
"Come Celebrate an Angel Among Us!"
"Come Celebrate Two Little Angels Among Us!"
"Little Hands - Little Feet,
Sent from Heaven, Perfectly Sweet."
One of the most popular styles of baby shower invitations these days is the use of vellum. Vellum is a thin, semi-opaque, semi-clear, milky colored paper.
How is vellum used? First, go to a scrapbook or craft store and buy some sheets of angel-themed paper (there are usually several patterns and styles of angel printed paper). You can get at least 2 invitations from one 8 ½ by 11 inch sheet (depending on how big or small you make the invitations). A 4” by 6” invitations is a recommended size. Also, at the store, buy the same amount of sheets of vellum. Also buy some ribbon or star shaped brads. You can use either the ribbon or brads to fasten the vellum to the paper.
Now for the fun part! On the computer, type up the information you want on the angel baby shower invitations. You could write something like this:
Come Celebrate Sarah Hansen's Little Angel!
It's a Baby Shower!
25 August, 2005
2575 Sycamore Way
Given By Julie Cook
RSVP to Julie at 405-555-5545
Sarah and her little girl are
registered at Babies-R-Us.
Or something like that.
Next, print your wording onto your vellum. You may have to adjust and play around with the printer settings to get it to print two invitations on one page. So before you start printing on your sheets of vellum, use blank white paper first until you get it just how you want it. Then, print off as many as you are going to need. Then, cut the vellum down to about 3” by 5” size with the wording centered in the middle.
Next, cut your angel themed paper to 4” by 6” size. Then place the vellum on top of the star-themed paper and fasten it at the top with two star shaped brads, equally spaced in the center. Or punch two holes, equally spaced (about 1-2 inches apart) in the vellum and the paper; then loop come ribbon through both the paper and the vellum.
Finish it by tying the ribbon in a cute bow on top.
You are ready to send them off!
If you don’t want to use vellum, you could follow the instructions above, but instead of printing the wording onto vellum, just print the wording on a light-colored angel patterned paper. Cut to size and you are done!
Or, easier still, you could use one of the following angel baby shower invitations...
Angel Baby Shower Decorations
You'll want to use lots of white in your decorations for an Angel Baby Shower theme.
Start your decorating with groups of white balloons, tied to chairs, tables or other furniture throughout the party room. This helps give the room a "cloud" feel. You could include a pink or blue balloon here and there amongst the white balloons, if you like. Or you could scatter them across the ceiling.
Place several Demdaco dolls around the room on tables, furniture, or the gift table. Demdaco are a signature brand of "Angel" figurines. You might want to borrow a few of these, as they can be a little expensive just to use for decorations.
You could hang several stars from the ceiling randomly throughout the room. Buy several cheap wooden ones at a craft store and paint them white or silver (or pink or blue).
Next, secure a clothesline across the room and hang up a little white onesie, little white baby socks, little white booties, and a little halo (buy a wooden ring at a craft store and paint it gold). Very cute!
If you are celebrating twins, hang up two of everything - two onesies, (or a little white dress and a onesie for a girl & a boy), two pairs of white baby socks, two pairs of booties, and two halos.
Use a white table cloth with silver or white plates, utensils, and napkins.
For another darling angel baby shower decoration, get some alphabet blocks and arrange them on the gift table or somewhere in the party room so they spell: Angel, Heaven Sent, Joy, Hope, Miracle, Blessing, or Baby
Angel Baby Shower Centerpieces
• A Gorgeous Flower Arrangement of white flowers - Flowers bring a fresh and renewing spirit to an angel baby shower. They are pure and beautiful, like angels & babies!
• An Angel Baby Shower Cake - use little angel figurines on top to garnish it and accentuate the angel baby shower theme. Use white onesies, towels and bibs to decorate with. Here are instructions on
how to make your own diaper cake
Angel Baby Shower Games
• Angel Mother Activity -
This is a very meaningful and memorable activity for the expectant mother:
How this Angel baby shower activity works: Print off one of the
Angel baby shower activity cards
here for each guest. Give each guest a copy of this Angel Mother card and a pen or pencil. Have them write down a memory they have of something that their mother did for them when they were young that made their mother an angel. Have everyone read their card when everyone is finished and then collect the cards and give them to the expectant mother to always remember.
• Angel Lyrics Game -
How to Play this Angel baby shower game: You can play this game in groups of 2 or 3, or individually - whichever you prefer. Print the
Angel Lyrics Game cards here
- 1 for each guest or team. Give them a pen or pencil and they have 10 minutes to fill in all the lyrics correctly. Whoever gets the most lyrics correct wins the game! The answer key is at the very bottom of the game page. Give them an Angel Food Cake mix for a prize.
• How a Mother Earns Her Wings Game
A mother does so much work for her family and is such an angel for everything she does. So, this game gives everyone a chance to earn their wings as a mother.
Preparation for this Angel baby shower game idea: Before the shower, get a clothes-line, a baby doll, 20-30 various baby clothes items (e.g. onesies, socks, shirts, cloth diapers, towels, baby blankets, etc.) and enough clothes-pins to hang everything on the clothes-line. About 1 or 2 days before the shower, hang the clothes-line up in the room (or outside) where you are having the shower.
How to play this Angel baby shower game: During the shower, bring out the basket of baby clothes and set by the clothes line. Each guest gets a turn to see how many items she (or he) can hang from the line, while at the same time holding the baby doll, and have a phone to her (or his) ear. Give each guest 1 minute to "earn her wings" and have them count how many items they hang. Whoever hangs the most items, without dropping the phone or baby has earned her wings and wins the game!!
Angel Baby Shower Food
You could have a wide variety of food at an Angel baby shower. You could have any of the menu ideas here and then just add a few of the following ideas to include your Angel theme. Or you could use all of the ideas below to go all out and have an Angel theme in each baby shower menu item that you serve.
• Angel Food Cake
• Angel Shaped Cookies
Buy an angel shaped cookie cutter at a craft store, (Walmart or Target will probably have some as well).
And use this sugar cookie recipe to make the cookies:
1 cup butter
1 1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup sour cream
4 1/4 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
Cookie: Cream together butter and sugar. Add eggs and beat well. Add sour cream and vanilla. Add dry ingredients. Roll on floured surface to 1/2 inch thickness. Use a star-shaped cookie cutter. Place on buttered cookie sheet about 2 inches apart. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes, or until very lightly brown. Cookies should be large, soft, and thick. Makes 2 dozen cookies.
1/2 cup butter
2 teaspoons vanilla
food coloring
4 cups powder sugar
6 tablespoon milk (heated)
Mix well with a beater until smooth. You may need to add a little milk to get to the desired consistency, but it should not be runny. Add blue or pink or yellow food coloring for baby colors.
• Halo Fruit Salad
Make fruit salad with this recipe and when you cut the fruit, slice the fruit to look like little Halos.
2 c. cubed cantaloupe
2 c. cubed honeydew
2 medium kiwifruit, peeled, halved and sliced
¼ c. undiluted juice concentrate – orange, peach, mango, or orange-pineapple flavor
In a bowl, combine the cantaloupe, honeydew, and kiwi. Add somewhat-thawed juice concentrate; toss to coat. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours, stirring occasionally. Serve with a slotted spoon. Makes 6 to 8 servings.
• Heavenly Ham Sandwiches
• Cloud Nine Smoothies
Make this great strawberry smoothy drink.
2 cups frozen strawberries
1 cup orange juice
2 cups plain seltzer
4 tablespoons strawberry jam
2 cups ice cubes
Combine frozen strawberries, orange juice, seltzer, strawberry jam, and ice cubes in a blender and puree until smooth texture. Makes 4 servings.
Angel Baby Shower Favors
Angel Themed Scrapbooking Supplies
Angel Patterned Paper
Angel Die Cuts
Angel Stamp
Angel Stickers
• Angel Food Cake Mix
• White Votive Candles or Tealights
• Scented Candles
• An Angel Christmas Ornament (If baby shower is during Christmas season)
• Flower Seed Packets (of white flowers)
• Angel pouches filled with candies, chocolates or party mints. These are inexpensive, easy to make and really cute! Here are the
step-by-step instructions of how to make your own...
Here is an example of what they look like below:

To any of these angel baby shower favor ideas above, you could attach a note saying:
"Thanks from Jennifer's Little Angel!"
"Thanks for Celebrating Our Little Angel!"
Angel Baby Shower Gifts
Demdaco doll with mother & baby
Angel Baby Blanket
Precious Moments Angel Figurines
Angel Themed Onesies
Angel Crib Mobile
Angel Nursery Linen
* A cute idea to garnish your gift: Tie a little bell to your gift because "Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings!"
Best Wishes on your Angel Baby Shower!!
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